Apple crumble is great. I boil up the granny smith apples with a little water and lemon juice or lemon barley water. If it's too tart, I add a little brown sugar.
For the crumble, I use wholemeal flour and a few oats as well. The proportions I use are 3:2:1 with 3 being the flour, 2, the butter and 1 the sugar. I then add some cinnamon. Nowadays I don't measure the proportions, but recognise the feel of the butter and flour. I like to use as much butter as will just bring the flour together.....if that makes sense.
Every summer I bust out my old Vacola kit and bottle plums and apricots and apples and tomatoes and whatever else is around, all in water, no sugar. easy peasy and have nice fruit in my cupboard all year round for crumble, apricot chicken, plum pie, tomato all kinds of things. Its awesome.
That's why I have tins of pie apple (no added sugar) in the cupboard, Dot!
Pie apricots are yummy too, and much less sugar & empty calories than tinned apricots in syrup or juice!
I can never remember the proportions.... thanks Debbie
Dot (who's been known not to cook the Granny Smith's first, dessert usually being a last minute decision because people are still hungry or are demanding a late supper!)
I do half crushed pineapple/half apple..hmmmmmmm..
Linda (0: